BYB Kids Dancesport classes

By age group - age child turns in 2024

To ENROLL please see the Kids Enrollment Page or click HERE

Medal Class are available for all age groups & are a prerequisite to all other classes as it establishes the groundwork of learning dancesport.
These general classes also build connection & communication skills through being part of a class team. Children will learn dances applicable to their mid & EOY Medal Examinations & also enjoy working as a team to creative a Showcase Performance with their class.

Important Dates:
Medal & Troupe Classes - School Terms only
Mid Year Showcase - July 6th 2024
EOY Medal Showcase - TBC 14 or 21 Dec

Medal Classes by age groups:

- Tiny Tots 4yrs: Mondays 2pm (30mins)
- Baby Ballroom 5&6yrs: Tuesdays 4pm (30mins)
- Juvenile 7&8yrs: Tuesdays 4.45pm (55mins)
- Sub Junior: Monday 4.30pm (55mins)
- Junior 9-12yrs: Thursdays 4.45pm (55mins)
-Youth 13yrs+: Wednesdays 4pm (55mins)

Momence App Bookings - See end of page:

Please do not hesitate to reach out should you require assistance in setting up your Momence account or applicable packages. Please note that class prices below are listed as Semesters not for an individual class. If purchasing via Momence App, please ensure you select the applicable 'package' option as this will cover registration if required, medal fees, costume fees & class inclusions. *Parents will be required to create their own account with 'children' sub accounts.

Price covers Semester 1 in full.

Registration Fees:
All Registration Fees for 2024 are included within our semester 1 packages. If you have already paid registration for 2024 please use the codes for each class:
General Medal Class: KIDSMEDAL24REGOPAID
All Class Pass (Medal, Troupe & Comp): KIDSALLCLASSPASS24REGOPAID

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